Bourgeois Fishing Charters Post-Ida Update

Bourgeois Fishing Charters Post-Ida Update

October 22, 2021 by

On August 29th; a date that already rings a somber tone throughout South Louisiana, we were struck yet again by a devastating hurricane. This time her name wasn’t Katrina, her name was Ida and she set her sights directly on our beautiful community of Lafitte, Louisiana. On that Sunday evening as Ida’s shrieking winds ravaged our small town, our levee system was inundated and overcome with her storm surge and within minutes, our lodge, our homes, and nearly every structure in our town had succumbed to the salty clutches of Ida’s wake. 

  The damage that Ida inflicted on our community was worse than any storm in our town’s history. Over four feet of water ripped its’ way through our beloved Cajun Vista, destroying our entire first story. Our facilities including our dock, boats, hangar, and beautiful grounds all fell victim to mother nature’s fury. Our only point of access to the Island of Barataria was completely knocked off of its base and rendered unpassable by a wayward barge pushed through by raging storm surge resulting in NO vehicle access for weeks while we waited for a military bridge to be put in place.

To say this has been a formidable challenge would be an understatement. We fully understand the risk we take when we plant our roots here. We know that one day the storm everyone talks about is going to come and knock us down, but we do it anyway. Is it because we’re crazy? Possibly a little, but more importantly it’s because we’re passionate about this place, its’ unending beauty, the kindness and tenacity of its’ people, and the bountiful blessings that this land bestows upon us without asking anything in return. 

We’re proud to be gatekeepers to a culture that’s uniquely it’s own, and torchbearers for a slowly disappearing heritage. It’s this passion that drives us to share our way of life with all who come to visit us here at Bourgeois Charters. It’s this same passion that will not allow us to give up. 

Although we are down, we are far from out. My father’s dream was to share with the world the beauty of Southeast Louisiana and the Cajun way of life and although the two years since his passing have been arduous to say the least, his unflinching determination lives on within me and the entire family here and it is for that good fortune that I am able to say without a doubt in my mind, that Bourgeois Fishing Charters will be back, better than ever. To all of you who have continued to support our little slice of the pie, we are truly at your service. For without you all we wouldn’t be able to do this.

Hope to see you all very soon,

-Capt. Theophile Bourgeois

& Bourgeois Charters Family


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